


1.    As to soul and spirit, spirit is the upper part, and life was communicated to the body through it.[i]



Holy Spirit - Born of

1.    When unbelievers, we need to be begotten or born of the Spirit.[ii]


Holy Spirit - Gift of

1.    When men truly repent, are they not believers? It would be a sorry doctrine that supposes genuine repentance without real faith; yet the gift of the Holy Ghost was consequent upon all.[iii]

2. Christ is the Giver of the Spirit to those who already believed. He gives the living water to the believer, not to the world.[iv]



Holy Spirit - Quickened of

See Quicken


Holy Spirit - Sealed of

1. When we believe the gospel and rest on the Saviour’s finished work, we are sealed of the Spirit, and not before.[v]

2. Quickened as sinners, sealed as saints.[vi]



Unity of the Spirit

1.    The grand fact is, there is one Spirit as there is one body; not only abstractly, buy actually one, forming the body, putting each member in its place in the body; and He is the source of every proper thought and act in the church, now the fact is there. No doubt Ephesians 2 is the great example of two made one, but then that was brought about by death and resurrection putting all on the new footing, bringing in a new state of things founded on it. It is of the unity of this new state of things that the Spirit is the power and characteristic. Now the Holy Ghost brings all these things into harmonious detail, and gives fellowship in them in that harmony: there then is the unity of the Spirit, and this may be of course in a thousand details, wherever the Spirit works.[vii]



Also see Bible dictionary


[i] JND CW26 p297

[ii] BT N5 p379

[iii] BT 9 p283

[iv] BT 9 p283

[v] BT N5 p379

[vi] BT 9 p283

[vii] JND L3 p218