


1.    It will be found universally that heresies are founded either on some obscure and difficult passage, the true sense of which not being known, it is easy to trouble many minds with some apparent sense of it, or on some truth neglected by the Church.[i]

2.    “Heresy” in scripture does not mean bad doctrine at all.[ii]

3.    Self will that does not care for the fellowship of the assembly in the least, and is so bent on its own object that it goes outside.[iii]

4.    People might get too hot in their zeal, and, being reproved for their party spirit, they refuse to stand it any longer, and they get away. They break loose from fellowship and form some new thing that has not the sanction of the word of God.[iv]


Also see Bible dictionary


[i] JND CW7 p226

[ii] BT N7 p12

[iii] BT N7 p12

[iv] BT N7 p12